Newsletter May 2021
Latest from the projects

Hello everybody,
I am happy to be able to contact you once again with news from Kenya. This time I am especially proud, because I feel that - together with your help - some very important milestones have been set!
I have now spent 6 months in Kenya, during which I have been reminded once again of how valuable the steps have been that we have taken together over the past 8 years- even if not always in a straight line, sometimes in zigzags and backwards.
It is the first time that I can see: Project Kandongu has gained a base of independence! Due to the water project in the beginning of 2020, the farm is booming, the stores are full of food for the next months, different projects (e.g. bakery. rabbit project) generate income or reduce expenses, a school year ended and the teachers' salaries could be paid from their own resources during the vacations. The long overdue purchase of a new school bus is being tackled by a committee of teachers, parents and community members - independent of our support. This would have been unthinkable in previous years.
It is not only our years of cooperation that make this possible, but also the gratifying perspective of the director, Br. Francis, who focuses on the possibilities and resources of the school and has set himself the greatest goal of being able to pay current expenses from his own resources. We are happy to continue to accompany him on this path until this basis is consolidated in the long term.
Thank you for your constant companionship, your trust and your staying in touch with these visions on the other side of the world.
Best from Kenya, Jana
-Beatmass Online - Kenya live: On 30.05. Br. Francis Macharia (Director Project Kandongu) and I will speak as guest speakers in the digital "Beatmass" of the parish Cologne-Klettenberg on the topic "Kenya - i do it my way". All information here, the stream can also be viewed later.
Project Kandongu:
- 100 chairs and desks: In the past weeks, 100 new desks and chairs worth 4000 euros could be made. Thank you for your generous donations! With the start of school, the social distance can now be maintained and every child is guaranteed a seat.
- Bakery: The school's own bread bakery was built for 800 euros. This means healthy, filling bread for the students for the first time and 70 euros saved per month. More information about our bakery here!
- Extension of Community-House: The brothers' home was extended for 1000 euros with the aim of being able to accommodate cooling facilities for a planned cheese project. More about this soon.
- Next step: As the school community continues to grow, we would like to support Br. Francis' goal of building 2 new classrooms to share classes. 5000 Euro are needed per classroom.

Project FaMoja:
- Purchase of land: In February, we were able to acquire a suitable plot of land for 35,000 euros on behalf of the cbo. The foundation of the project is secured!

- 200 trees: Since then, approximately 200 trees have been planted that either hold medicinal healing properties, produce flowers for future honey project, or are otherwise edible, applicable. Corn and beans have been planted on farmland to generate income. In the process, the local community has already been strongly integrated and a foundation of trust has been established.
- Kenyan Must-Have: A partial fence and gate were installed, the Kenyan "must have" for a newly purchased property.
- Next step: To facilitate the development of the site, the next step is to build a project house (with sleeping, lounge and space for group events such as seminars). The concrete calculation is still in progress, at least 7000 euros are needed.

After a short stay in Germany in May, I will fly back to Kenya in June and thus have the wonderful opportunity to accompany the next steps on site.
THANK YOU for being part!
